
  • Two Day a Week students must be 1 year old by AUGUST 1st.
  • Three Day a Week students must be 3 years of age by AUGUST 1st and fully potty trained. No pull-ups or diapers are permitted.


FSBC Academy is an educational program that offers hands on learning through structured and unstructured centers. We offer materials that encourage children to positively play together and to participate in daily enrichment activities. We encourage self-expression, positive self-image, independence, and acceptance--all in a fun and loving Christian atmosphere.  
We utilize an independent curriculum that we have gathered from many different sources that are age and developmentally appropriate for each child. This curriculum is designed to help children develop in all facets of his/her life: physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.  

Weekly Schedule & Important Dates

Two Days a Week:
Tuesday & Thursday from 8:45am-1:45pm for ages 1 year old (by August 1) - 3 years old.
Classes begin in September (the first Tuesday after Labor Day) and go through the second week of May.
FSBC Academy follows Bryant Schools regarding inclement weather days.
Three Days a Week:
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday from 8:30am-2:00pm for ages 3 years - Kindergarten
Classes begin in September (the first Tuesday after Labor Day) and go through the second week of May.
FSBC Academy follows Bryant Schools regarding inclement weather days.

Fees and Tuition

Two Days a Week:
•    Enrollment Fee (non-refundable): $75    
•    Monthly Tuition (due on or before the 5th of each month)
o    2 days/week-$180 
o    Based on 9 months of school.
•    $50 Supply/Building Fee (due September 1 and February 1).
Three Days a Week:
•    Enrollment Fee (non-refundable): $75 
•    Monthly Tuition (due on or before the 5th of each month)
o   3 days/week-$260  
o   Based on 9 months of school.
•    $60 Supply/Building Fee (due September 1 and February 1).

Daily Schedule & Routine

Opening -Fun Morning Song, Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer.
Circle Time -introducing and learning letters (phonics)/ numbers (counting), reviewing the days of the week and months of the year, and story time or show and tell specific to that week's lesson plan
Snack Time -provided by the Star Student of the week.
Centers -Home Living (dramatic play), Puzzles (logic), Manipulative (blocks),
Art/Writing, Science/Nature, Library (books).
Enrichment-Monday: Bible Story, Wednesday: Music, Friday: Games/Movement-all with the Music Teacher
Recess -When weather permits, we have a secured outdoor playground, or appropriate toys and activities in the gym.
Lunch -brought from home, containing a protein, vegetable and fruit, along with a NON-sugary drink.
Lunches should be ready to eat (not needed to be cut, heated or drained).
Food allergy regulations are based on individual class issues.
Nap -State requires that children rest 1-2 hours, on a 2" mat.
Sheets and blankets are provided by the school.

Documents & Links